This is a great recipe my Mom used to make. I believe it's a Depression-era recipe since it's made with round steak and flour dumplings. The trick is to...
North Indian, Himalayan, Nepali curry dumplings filled with ground meat of choice and eaten with dipping of choice. This is my favorite food to eat and...
My husband nets herring every year in Northern Minnesota, and this is a great way to use it! Any whitefish will work. These make a great appetizer or a...
I submitted these for the 2009 Dandelion Cook-off at Breitenbach Winery Dandelion Festival. These were a crowd favorite, especially the Asian dipping sauce....
My grandfather is Polish, and his mother taught my grandmother how to make these delicious perogies. The recipe has been in the family for generations,...
Serrano ham is part of the Spanish diet and is as common as bacon, if not more. Homemade ham croquettes are easy to make once you get the hang of making...
Here is another vegetarian creation from the college days that takes a little bit of time to make, but tastes delicious. You can use virtually any vegetable...
'Gnudi' (or 'naked' ravioli without a pasta jacket) are tender dumplings simmered like gnocchi and, when made with sweet potatoes and finished in sage...
These potstickers are a fun twist on dish that was once an option only for omnivores. This is vegan friendly, and though it may take a while if one opts...
These shiitake-packed wontons are full of flavor and delicious cooked in different ways. Option A: simmer in broth until translucent, about 5 minutes;...
These tasty treats make a perfect appetizer or you can serve them as a main dish. For a main dish count on about 15 dumplings per person. Serve with hoisin...
This recipe has been a family favorite passed on from generation to generation. We traditionally make these for Christmas, but they can be made for any...
These are inspired by a dim sum item I had from a fancy Asian-fusion restaurant in Manhattan. They're delicious served with a simple broth and have a silky,...
For this tasty pierogi casserole, sauerkraut, onion, mushrooms, and pasta are combined and baked in a rich, buttery sauce. If you are making this ahead...
If you have never tried 'nduja before, this is the perfect dish for it. The spicy Calabrian sausage pairs perfectly with sweet potato gnocchi. Garnish...
This recipe was born as a hybrid of two of my favorite recipes that I have tinkered with. If you're looking for a cheesy, easy way to enjoy gnocchi and...
I learned this recipe for pot stickers while living in Japan. They're great hot or cold, and may be eaten plain or with the dipping sauce. Any ground meat...
This is an old Czechoslovakian recipe. It has recently become available in supermarkets, but this recipe beats them all. Top cooked pierogi with sauteed...
These are dough pockets filled with cottage cheese, boiled and served with sour cream gravy. My step-grandmother was Russian/Polish and she made these...
Another recipe compiled from old recipes used in Pomerania, an ancient Germany region abutting the Baltic Sea, divided between Germany and Poland after...
A traditional recipe from Bavaria and Baden-Wurtemberg, totally vegetarian, do always serve together with a salad in a sour dressing e.g. simple oil &...
This version of knefla is a tasty, easy German-Russian staple for dinner, comprised simply of dough and potatoes. Sometimes I add 2 teaspoons of chicken...
A great and unique way to use up some garden beets. The dough in the recipe can be used for any pierogies. Get creative and try it with your favorite mashed...
For those of us who like to make EVERYTHING ourselves -- an original wonton wrapper recipe. Use the wonton wrappers to form tasty little dumplings stuffed...
This recipe is an Ukrainian one of my Great-Grandmothers passed down from the years. They are great with melted butter and sauteed onions, or fry if desired....
This is a great side dish for pork or chicken main dishes. This can also be a great idea for an appetizer. This was a recipe that I learned from a friend...
This is an Austrian classic. 'Knodel' (you pronounce the "k") means 'dumpling' in German. My mother used to make this a lot when I was small because it's...
German dumplings jazzed up with a little non-traditional seasoning. After dough is cooked you can either serve with brown gravy or cook in 2 tablespoons...
This is a delicious meat and veggie dumpling recipe that my mom has been making ever since I can remember. It may take some time and practice when it comes...
A delicious filled dumpling made from fresh pasta. These take time, but are so worth it! Fill with Sauerkraut Filling or Potato and Cheese Filling. To...
This is an old Czechoslovakian recipe. It has recently become available in supermarkets, but this recipe beats them all. Top cooked pierogi with sauteed...
Vareniky are like big ravioli with different fillings (meat, potato, berries, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, etc.) This recipe for vareniky is stuffed...